Sunday 16 June 2013

Control Soil Erosion with Articulating concrete block & Turf Reinforcement Mats

Erosion of soil is a common problem faced the world over due to the transfer of stones, mud, rocks, and soil principally due to wind, water and living organism. Even though, it is a natural process, it has been made worse by man on the name of development - cutting down of trees, building of roads, and construction of the building. All these have made it a threat to the eco systems. The loss of nutrient rich topsoil has left the land exposed and unprotected. There are numerous measures to control erosion like tree plantation, crop rotation, installing draining system, less deforestation, building of terrace and retaining wall.  

Nowadays lots of new technology have emerged in the market and moving with latest expertise always pays off, so let us have a good look at two of the latest way of controlling erosion of soil. 
Turf Reinforcement Mats: 

TRM is manufactured using biodegradable material like wood chips, coconut fibers, mulch and straw held firmly together by biodegradable netting. It can be easily rolled, so can be carried anywhere. The installation is exceedingly easy, just unfold the mat, and fix it at the area where you are facing the erosion problem. The matting holds the soil at its place, thus provides the ideal condition for the growth of vegetation. It also acts as an effective solution from rainfall, runoff from landscape and high wind.


Articulating concrete block is quite effective in preventing soil erosion from the rapid force of moving water. It has a group of concrete block that are closely put together to form an erosion resistant barricade. This barrier has Geotextile underlay for retaining the subsoil. It drastically cuts down the speed of storm and rain water and prevents soil erosion. Even in high speed flow of water, it lets water run between sub grades and surface thus provides appropriate conditions for the growth of plants. Another prominent advantage is that it provides an ideal condition for animal habitat as it is resistant to thaw cycles and freezing. 
How it work?

The concrete block is placed in such a way that it forms an open or closed design. This specific layout is called mat. They are further secured with ropes and cables that strengthen and give flexibility.  These blocks are available in different shapes and patterns. They can be colored to give a different look.  You can integrate vertical cores and spaces throughout the system; it can be used for planting vegetation. It comes up as a quick, cheap and effective way of stopping soil erosion. 
These are two of the latest means of controlling soil erosion. A bit of research before buying the product will help you better understand its features. Reading customer reviews, comparing price and finding out the kind of material used for manufacturing is vital. Generally two kinds of material are used, synthetic and natural fiber, one of them lasts longer than the other when used for controlling erosion. A research will help you understand all the fine points of product and help you take intelligent decision.  

For More Information Visit Here:- International Erosion Control Systems

Proven & Effective Way to Prevent Soil Erosion

The erosion in simple words means the physical removal of fertile top soil by numerous agents like rain, wind, ice, gravitational force or water flowing over with tremendous force. The consequences of all this can be seen on-site as well as offsite. In the first case, it is in the form of loss of soil, decline of organic material and breaking down of soil structure. Erosion reduces the moisture present in the soil resulting in drought prone condition. Offsite problem occurs due to sedimentation. The downwind or downstream reduces the capacity of drainage ditches and rivers ensuing in flooding and blocking of irrigation canals.  The worn out residue is also a pollutant as the chemicals absorbed by it can increase the degree of phosphorous and nitrogen in water bodies resulting in Eutrophication. In the recent years, the problem has been further aggravated by human activities like mining, construction of roads and building, faulty farming system, grazing and deforestation etcetera. Thanks to the advancement in technology there are various methods nowadays depending on the climatic condition and geography to stop the erosion of soil. 

Build a Retaining Wall:

Wearing down is a common problem at areas with high altitude like hills and mountains.  The vicious force of running water drains the soil and also weakens the hill. Building a retaining wall all along the base stabilizes the hill and reduces the effect of erosion. Materials like railroad tiles; poured concretes and concrete blocks are used for constructing the wall. It is vital to have adequate drainage system at the bottom of the hill so water can flow out easily. 

Install a Drainage System:

Water is one of the prominent reasons for erosion. Putting up a water drainage system to drain excess water will decrease the washing away of soil.  Surface drainage system is one of the extensively used drainage system. It is quite efficient in getting rid of excess water.  Some of the popular kinds of systems are Swale Drains, Downspout Drainage, French Drains and Storm Drains. 

Plant a Garden:

The threat of wash away of soil is high if it is directly exposed to water. The most effective and natural way to stabilize the soil is planting vegetation. The plants absorb the water, so less amount is left to carry the soil. In case, the area is very large then putting up grass is the right option. You can also go for pines but find out about it in details because some of them are invasive and you will find it very difficult to remove. Planting garden is another beautiful way; it will increase the aesthetic appeal of the area and bring you near to the nature. It will look amazing at the top of the retaining wall.


The latest way of preventing soil erosion is the Articulating Concrete Block. In this concrete blocks are systematically placed to form a strong erosion resistant overlay. This layout has hydraulic qualities. The design is unique; it can be simply interlocked according to the area. It is very effective in preventing various kinds of erosion related problems.

For More Information Visit Here:- International Erosion Control Systems

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Soil Stabilization Solutions

Soil Stabilization Solutions

When the soil around a home or a garden becomes unstable, it creates different types of problems for the homeowner. To keep major problems from occurring, there are several types of soil stabilizers that help with preventing soil movement,

From muddy yards and sinkholes to the loss of workable gardening property, homeowner can choose a common solution to fix the problems that they are experiencing. Some of the most common soil stabilization solutions can be found by researching various sites online. Listed below are four commonly known solutions that may work great for some homeowners. The type of soil stabilization solution will be based on the severity of the homeowner's problem.


One type of soil stabilization solution for a homeowner involves using plant roots, specifically grass as well as other ground covers. Plant roots can help the homeowner with holding the soil in place. Grass and other ground covers are not the first option for some homeowners, especially in emergency situations. One of the main reasons for excluding grass roots from emergency cases is because it takes time for these type of roots to establish themselves in the ground. Plant roots are great alternatives to use when the owner wants to hold the soil in places, specifically in certain areas around the home (i.e. gradual slopes that can be found near a home). These roots will also help with preventing the landscape from shifting too much. Whenever it is possible, the professionals in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are recommending planting grasses that grow deep and have deep root systems. By using the right solutions, the owner will also help with preventing muddy runoff and dust problems that's caused by unstable soil.


When a homeowner needs a quick solution, they may want to consider using Mulch. Mulch is used by many homeowners who have experienced these kinds of problem, since they have a unique advantage over using different types of soil stabilizing-plants. Mulch can also be used to cover exposed soil easily. Mulch is a short-term fix instead of a long-term solution because it is not permanent. The types of basic materials included in mulch are straw and wood.

Soil Binders

Another solution used by many homeowners in California is soil binders. These owners use soil binders when they want to limit erosion and hold the soil around their homes together. When this kind of temporary solution is used, the owner should only expect a short duration period (i.e. last from a few months to two years). Soil binders are available to the owner in the form of liquids. When sprayed over a homeowner's oil, the areas affected will stay in place because it makes the soil sticky.

Physical Barriers

In addition to using plant roots, mulch and soil binders, the owner has an option of using physical barriers to hold the soil around the home in place. For example, the owner may choose to use plastic sheets. These plastic sheets will help with preventing erosion and lot of dust.

Control of soil erosion

Soil Erosion Control

Soil erosion can be a huge problem to deal with if you don't know how to control it. Fortunately there are a lot of ways you can take control of soil erosion and improve your front and back yard.

Mulch and compost can help to enrich your soil so the erosion becomes less noticeable and eventually is gone. It will help to protect your lawn because it's so heavy and difficult to move. If you apply this on a regular basis it can help you take control of soil erosion for good.

One of the best ways to gain control of soil erosion is by preventing it from even happening in the first place. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is by planting shrubs and trees throughout your lawn. The roots that these have will create a more stable environment inside the soil so that erosion is not likely to happen. In addition to this, you may want to consider planting some grass. This will add a healthy appearance to your home and make the roots more stable as well. Just make sure you take care of the grass so that the lawn is growing healthy during the months it should be.

Retaining Walls
These walls are easy to install and can create a nice layout in your yard as well. These are useful because they help to drain water in a more efficient manner. For example, when it rains the excess water will drain to an appropriate place instead of your land. One of the most important things to remember when building one of these is that it has to be reinforced with steel or concrete. These materials will ensure the wall stays secure and doesn't get damaged from long periods of exposure. A retaining wall will make a barrier between your land and water so that you don't have to worry about erosion throughout the year.

Gardening Techniques
If you have a garden, there are some techniques you can use to prevent erosion as well. Buffers are great for keeping soil in a certain area. When the soil is not exposed to the outside air or other natural elements, it will prevent erosion from happening. Most gardeners and even farmers also stop tilling their crops and vegetables to ensure erosion doesn't happen. This protects the soil and the nutrients that are naturally inside it.

Contour Farming
If you're farming or gardening, the term contour farming is probably one you have heard before. This is where you will strategically place your crops or plants by putting them where the land lies flat. If you cut off your land where it's going to run off you can easily prevent a lot of erosion from occurring.

Learning More
Preventing erosion is something that might take you a while to really understand. Everyone has different land and crops, so a lot of it depends with which technique you use. If one thing ends up not working, try another until you find what is most effective.