Sunday 16 June 2013

Control Soil Erosion with Articulating concrete block & Turf Reinforcement Mats

Erosion of soil is a common problem faced the world over due to the transfer of stones, mud, rocks, and soil principally due to wind, water and living organism. Even though, it is a natural process, it has been made worse by man on the name of development - cutting down of trees, building of roads, and construction of the building. All these have made it a threat to the eco systems. The loss of nutrient rich topsoil has left the land exposed and unprotected. There are numerous measures to control erosion like tree plantation, crop rotation, installing draining system, less deforestation, building of terrace and retaining wall.  

Nowadays lots of new technology have emerged in the market and moving with latest expertise always pays off, so let us have a good look at two of the latest way of controlling erosion of soil. 
Turf Reinforcement Mats: 

TRM is manufactured using biodegradable material like wood chips, coconut fibers, mulch and straw held firmly together by biodegradable netting. It can be easily rolled, so can be carried anywhere. The installation is exceedingly easy, just unfold the mat, and fix it at the area where you are facing the erosion problem. The matting holds the soil at its place, thus provides the ideal condition for the growth of vegetation. It also acts as an effective solution from rainfall, runoff from landscape and high wind.


Articulating concrete block is quite effective in preventing soil erosion from the rapid force of moving water. It has a group of concrete block that are closely put together to form an erosion resistant barricade. This barrier has Geotextile underlay for retaining the subsoil. It drastically cuts down the speed of storm and rain water and prevents soil erosion. Even in high speed flow of water, it lets water run between sub grades and surface thus provides appropriate conditions for the growth of plants. Another prominent advantage is that it provides an ideal condition for animal habitat as it is resistant to thaw cycles and freezing. 
How it work?

The concrete block is placed in such a way that it forms an open or closed design. This specific layout is called mat. They are further secured with ropes and cables that strengthen and give flexibility.  These blocks are available in different shapes and patterns. They can be colored to give a different look.  You can integrate vertical cores and spaces throughout the system; it can be used for planting vegetation. It comes up as a quick, cheap and effective way of stopping soil erosion. 
These are two of the latest means of controlling soil erosion. A bit of research before buying the product will help you better understand its features. Reading customer reviews, comparing price and finding out the kind of material used for manufacturing is vital. Generally two kinds of material are used, synthetic and natural fiber, one of them lasts longer than the other when used for controlling erosion. A research will help you understand all the fine points of product and help you take intelligent decision.  

For More Information Visit Here:- International Erosion Control Systems

1 comment:

  1. A good way to combat erosion and harmful sediments is using quality inlet filters. Thanks for the post!
