Tuesday 6 November 2012

Soil Stabilization Solutions

Soil Stabilization Solutions

When the soil around a home or a garden becomes unstable, it creates different types of problems for the homeowner. To keep major problems from occurring, there are several types of soil stabilizers that help with preventing soil movement,

From muddy yards and sinkholes to the loss of workable gardening property, homeowner can choose a common solution to fix the problems that they are experiencing. Some of the most common soil stabilization solutions can be found by researching various sites online. Listed below are four commonly known solutions that may work great for some homeowners. The type of soil stabilization solution will be based on the severity of the homeowner's problem.


One type of soil stabilization solution for a homeowner involves using plant roots, specifically grass as well as other ground covers. Plant roots can help the homeowner with holding the soil in place. Grass and other ground covers are not the first option for some homeowners, especially in emergency situations. One of the main reasons for excluding grass roots from emergency cases is because it takes time for these type of roots to establish themselves in the ground. Plant roots are great alternatives to use when the owner wants to hold the soil in places, specifically in certain areas around the home (i.e. gradual slopes that can be found near a home). These roots will also help with preventing the landscape from shifting too much. Whenever it is possible, the professionals in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are recommending planting grasses that grow deep and have deep root systems. By using the right solutions, the owner will also help with preventing muddy runoff and dust problems that's caused by unstable soil.


When a homeowner needs a quick solution, they may want to consider using Mulch. Mulch is used by many homeowners who have experienced these kinds of problem, since they have a unique advantage over using different types of soil stabilizing-plants. Mulch can also be used to cover exposed soil easily. Mulch is a short-term fix instead of a long-term solution because it is not permanent. The types of basic materials included in mulch are straw and wood.

Soil Binders

Another solution used by many homeowners in California is soil binders. These owners use soil binders when they want to limit erosion and hold the soil around their homes together. When this kind of temporary solution is used, the owner should only expect a short duration period (i.e. last from a few months to two years). Soil binders are available to the owner in the form of liquids. When sprayed over a homeowner's oil, the areas affected will stay in place because it makes the soil sticky.

Physical Barriers

In addition to using plant roots, mulch and soil binders, the owner has an option of using physical barriers to hold the soil around the home in place. For example, the owner may choose to use plastic sheets. These plastic sheets will help with preventing erosion and lot of dust.

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